Name: Twilight: The Major Motion Picture Soundtrack
Artist: Various
Favorite songs: Decode, Bella's Lullaby, Supermassive Black Hole, Leave Out All The Rest, and Flightless Bird, American Mouth.
Song by Song Review:
Supermassive Black Hole by Muse- 9.5/10 -- This song has a great beat and is alot of fun to dance and sing along to!
Favorite lyrics: "I thought I was a fool for no-one, Oh baby I'm a fool for you. You're the queen of the superficial, And how long before you tell the truth?"
Decode by Paramore- 10/10 -- AAHH! This song is AMAZING!!!! This is the song that made me obsessed with Paramore. :)
Favorite lyrics: "How can I decide what's right, When you're clouding up my mind?
Full Moon by the Black Ghosts- 7/10 -- The song's cool, it just gets kind of repetitive after a while.
Favorite lyrics: "In the full moons light I listen to the stream. And in between the silence hear you calling me. But I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been. And If I come home how will I ever leave"
Leave out All The Rest by Linkin Park- 10/10 -- AHHH!! THIS SONG Is the best on the album!!!!!!!
Favorite lyrics: Ahh, I love all the lyrics, but here's thee chorus which is totally amazing. "When my time comes, Forget the wrong that I've done. Help me leave behind some Reasons to be missed. And don't resent me, And when you're feeling empty,Keep me in your memory. Leave out all the rest. Leave out all the rest."
Spotlight (Twilight Mix) by Mutemath- 8/10 --Fun song! I like it lots. :)
Favorite lyrics: "You know the one thing you're fighting to hold Will be the one thing you've got to let go."
Go All The Way (Into The Twilight) by Perry Ferrell- 4/10 -- AHHHH! MAKE IT STOP! AUGH! This is my least favorite song on the album. SO repetitive and ANNOYING!!!! It's the song that's playing when Bella and Edward walk into the prom. *shudders* augh.
Favorite lyrics: "La la la la la lalalala la la la la la Tonight! Lightning strikes! Let's go into Twilight!"-- Sorry couldn't help it. This is pretty much the whole song.
Tremble For My Beloved by Collective Soul- 7/10 -- It's pretty cool. The tune at the beginning seems like the music that they play throughout the movie.
Favorite lyrics: "Its a world where madness craves. Its a world where hopes enslaved. Oh, I tremble for my love always"
I Caught Myself by Paramore- 8/10 -- I love this song! It has a great beat and great lyrics. :) Pretty much, typical Paramore. :)
Favorite lyrics: "You got it, you got it. Some kind of magic, Hypnotic, hypnotic. You're leaving me breathless, I hate this, I hate this."
Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation- 8/10 -- Awesome awesome song! They also play this one throughout the movie randomly. It's just the song that just has the "lalala's"
Favorite lyrics: "I won't soothe your pain. I won't ease your strain. You'll be waiting in vain. I got nothing for you to gain
Never Think by Rob Pattinson- 8/10 -- Heyyy who knew he sang?!? When I first heard this, I was like, "nooo way." It's awesome, but it's just that... his voice sounds so much DIFFERENT when he's talking! It's crazy! But a good crazy. :) He has a very unique voice, one you wouldn't expect Mr. Hot Voice to have, but... he does.
Favorite lyrics: "I should never think What's in your heart. What's in our home. So I won't. You'll learn to hate me, But still call me baby. Oh love, So call me by my name
Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine- 10/10 -- I LOVE THIS SONG!! It's the song they dance to at the prom. Sooo romantic!!!! <33
Favorite Lyrics: Have I found you, Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth. Big pill looming."
Let Me Sign by Rob Pattinson- 10/10 -- *swoons* His voice makes me swoon. *sigh*
Favorite lyrics: "She spoke with a voice That struck at the sky. She said, "come on over Bittersweet I'll wrap you in my arms" ."
Bella's Lullaby by Carter Burwell- 9/10 -- I WOULD have given it 10/10, but it's SO not Bella's Lullaby. It's amazing and I love it, but it's not Bella's Lullaby.
Clair De Lune- 10/10 -- I listened to it over and over so I could recognize it and hum it. Cuz Edward likes it. :P I need a life.
Inappropriate lyrics: Uhh, I think there may be some. I'll look again later.
Overall rating: 8.5/10